Software Group Ranked In The 50 Most Promising Fintech Solution Providers For 2019

6 Jun, 2019

Software Group is proud to announce that we are ranked in the “50 most promising Fintech solution providers for 2019” by CIO Review, a leading magazine that bridges the gap between enterprise IT vendors and buyers. The global media serves as a navigator for enterprise solutions. Each year, CIO Review recognizes some of the most significant developments in the fintech sector, internationally.

The prestigious ranking is made by a distinguished panel of CEOs, CFOs, industry analysts, and the CIO Review’s editorial team. They closely scrutinize and nominate the best-in-class vendors in the fintech marketplace. The vendors are evaluated based on their domain expertise and innovation in the fintech space with new technologies, a fresh perspective and new found energy while giving customers the flexibility and security they need.

The article featuring Software Group revealed how the company has positioned itself as a leading technology partner and adviser to financial institutions. Read more about the award and the company’s unified multichannel strategy for enhanced customer experience here.

Software Group CIOReview Certificate